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2020.02.13 10:29


(通讯员 唐鹤然)自从新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以来,国内疫情蔓延,来势汹汹。在疫情防控期间,海南大学的外籍教师也积极参与到这场抗“疫”战斗中来。他们关注疫情,为打赢这场疫情防控阻击战贡献着自己的力量,用乐观的态度保护自己,也在帮助身边人,让琼州大地感受到了一股不一样的“温情”。


与此同时,与A某同样忙碌的还有海南大学计算机与网络空间安全学院的印度籍外教Waykole Rupali(帕丽)。帕丽得知由于受新冠肺炎疫情影响,海口市防疫物资短缺,仍有大部分在琼外籍教师还未购得足够的防护口罩,于是她便主动请缨,在印度为留琼的海南大学外籍教师们采购消毒剂、防护口罩和医用酒精。帕丽表示,“海南大学就像是一个大家庭一样。家人,就是应该在最难的时候心在一起。”在她看来,海口是一座包容的城市,一座无私的、充满爱的城市。过去一年,无论是问路,还是在学校需要帮助时,她看到的是人们满满的真诚和善意。对于中国国内新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,帕丽非常着急,希望能为海南大学做些事。






Dear China,

In the time of darkness, courage is under fire. Fear then replaces the space once occupied by reason. If not love. The original question stands as a reminder of what we really are: is human nature good or evil? If since childhood, we are taught by parents and educators how to behave, what is ethical and what is not, then the answer is self-evident. We are educated to goodness, otherwise we tend towards our instincts being man’s primary need that of surviving. So the drowning man glimpses the sky searching for the last breath just before dying.

But if morality does not come as a pre-ordered structure of our nature, intensity and courage become daily bread for those struggling to survive. It was an astonishing act of bravery that made it possible for China to build a 25 thousand square meters hospital in one week. To the entire world example of organization, efficacy, and strength. To singular individuals the beauty of human intelligence when facing tragedy. Because this is what we are all dealing with, tragedy. Life always has a lesson for us, it is when we stop learning that life becomes routine and we inexorably flow toward the end of it. Due to the exceptionality of the circumstances we are compelled to face, I am wondering what is that I have learned.

Our friends have not done much: flights are banned, goods are not shipped, post offices do not deliver, masks and gloves are “temporarily out of stock.” Is that so? In France, England, and Italy the shelves are empty of masks and gloves but the stocks are full. The “window of prevention,” they named it, in case the virus reaches Europe. The sense of the statement is an existential nonsense: we sacrifice the present for a dark future that might never arrive. In time we will understand, time might not change us, but time might explain. I have a friend, a market economy Ph.D., I would like him to explain to me the reason why when the demand is high, higher is the price, the reason why when the virus boosts the demand, the system of production acts as a drawback for many and solution to only a few. My friend has a very clear-cut explanation for this phenomenon. But, I do not believe in economists, they are technicians after all and not intellectuals, in fact the curve of demand and offer does not explain the tragedy. My friend, the economist, ignores what is that happened when life pushes men to the limit, but I do. We are so reminded of how fragile life can be when we see it taken away from those we remember rebellious and brave. Like our neighbor or our brother. And, as the death toll enlarges its numbers, we finally discover that belief, race or nationality are insignificant details of a shortsighted mind. Instead, while we fight back the invisible enemy, whether we pray or write, whether we produce masks or buy them, in the aseptic space of a hospital room or in the silence of our living room, we are reminded, we must remember that we are one and the same. We stand together sharing the same sense of belonging, the same inevitable fate, the same fight, and the same possibility of victory. And because today we are all Chinese, the empty shelves and the full stocks stand not as prevention, but as a clear evidence of guilt. I like to believe that when all this is over, we, as the nation of human beings, will have well clear in mind that every single step we take bears a universal responsibility. The sound of our voices, the waves of our decisions echoes beyond our time, chaining singular existences to the lives of all. And in this awareness lies our future and our salvation.






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